The place of prayer in a man's life
Oct 5, 2019 • Tom Clewer
On October the 5th 2019 we were privileged to welcome Tom Clewer to our men’s breakfast. Tom addressed the subject of ‘the place of prayer in a man’s life’.
We all desire to pray. More than that, we all know that God loves to hear us ask. And yet… and yet…
We’re delighted to welcome Tom Clewer to us. Having survived Bible college with Lewis, he’s since pastored Grace Church Porthcawl for over a decade. He’s married to Laura and, is Patrick and Lucy’s dad.
Significantly, he’s a man who loves what we love as a church: the grace of God seen through the substitutionary death of Jesus. This talk on prayer won’t be a telling off, it’ll be a warm invitation to come and enjoy all that Christ has won for us.