A Conversation With: Jesus in the Old Testament

Apr 17, 2019    Steve Levy, Lewis Roderick

Jesus says he's in all the Scriptures, but why does he so often seem to be hiding in the Old Testament? 

That's one of the questions I asked Steve Levy when I visited him in at his home last week: When it comes to reading the Bible, we know that the first chunk is Christian Scriptures and that Jesus is there... but how exactly? 

I was glad to spend time talking this over with Steve. He's a real provocation when it comes to enjoying Jesus, and has thought about this a lot (he's literally written a book about it). But Steve can remember when and how and why he started seeing Jesus more clearly and so a big chunk of our time was taken up with this 'story'. 

We're so grateful to Steve (and all at Mount Pleasant Baptist in Swansea). They've helped us so much in seeing and enjoying Christ in all the Bible; they pioneered RBT and over the years have become faithful gospel partners. We chat about all this, and finish off by looking forward to heading away together (with others) in the summer. 

Here's the chat.