The Gospel

Mar 1, 2020    Lewis Roderick

The Galatians started well. Planted by Paul they received the gospel with joy. But since he’s been gone they’ve been corrupted; the glorious gospel of Christ alone has become a limp, powerless message of Christ + .

What can stop Christchurch going the same way?

As we begin to celebrate our 25th anniversary, Lewis Roderick preaches Galatians 1:1-9 and shows us the gospel: Good News, Rescue and Gift.

Lewis quoted Martin Luther during the message. Here they are again:

"It is most necessary that we place [the gospel] above everything else and continually drive it home and insist on it... it cannot resound often enough in our ears, nor can we hear it in excess. Although we may learn it and understand it well, there is no-one who can master it or perfectly believe it in his head. Our flesh is... too slippery and spirit much too disobedient"

-Martin Luther, Galatians

"The two demons that torment us are sin and the conscience. But Christ has overcome these two monsters and has crushed them underfoot, in this world and the next... our sins are so great, so infinite and invincible, that it is impossible for any human being to provide satisfaction for even one of them.... sin is the cruelest and most powerful tyrant over every human being. No creature... could ever conquer it. It has only been conquered by the sovereign and infinite power of Jesus Christ, who gave himself for sin"

-Martin Luther, Galatians