Teens 29-09-23

Another Teens session passes us by, yet this was another evening with plenty going on. The main focus on the evening was the sharing of his testimony from Lee Wakeman. A really encouraging story with plenty of people asking many questions about his walk with Jesus afterwards.

We then discussed about our own experience of church so far, and what things we really remember as children, and who influences us in our faith. The Senior Teens then got stuck into more involved discussion around miracles and how God moves today. The younger teens then took part in our teens night challenge involving a true british delicacy: Baked Beans. Simply one teen had to feed another a cold baked bean at a time using a cocktail stick, the most in one minute wins. (Sad to say this is possibly the most amount of vegetables some teens may have eaten all day!)

Parents please do pray for and engage with your teens, encourage them to share where they are at with God. What is it that they really struggle with to understand about having a relationship with Jesus? Be a good listener and if you are not sure of the answers, tell your teens to pass the questions on at the next session and we can try to provide some Bible based wisdom on these topics in the future.
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