The Landing 08-10-23

The top 10 Do's and Don'ts

In this session, we are thinking about God’s commandments – his rules – and we also
considered the bigger picture whereby we are called to follow Jesus. Throughout the session,
we need to point out that salvation doesn’t come by keeping the Ten Commandments. The
emphasis needs to be on ‘doing God’s will’ by having faith in Jesus and allowing the Holy
Spirit to change us in the way God wants him to.

Bible: Exodus 19:16 – 20:17

Questions we then used for discussion:

  • Are the Ten Commandments still relevant today?
  • Which are the top five commandments I should live by to make the world a better place?
  • Which are the top five commandments other people should live by to make the world a better place?

We also looked at many discussion situations about which commandments had been broken and why it is difficult to keep them all. (Here's the discussion sheet).

Finally: We can choose to live God's way or not. While he would love for us to choose the best way to live, he doesn’t force us. It’s our decision. This is an opportunity for us to make an honest response to God and to commit ourselves to doing his will. 
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