Christchurch Prayer Meeting

To pray is an awesome thing. Eugene Peterson called it ‘reversed thunder’; through the work of Christ, our whispered words reverberate like thunder in the Father’s presence. He can’t but hear us.

We must pray. It’s too good to not.

As elders we have been reflecting on corporate prayer within the church and feel it’s right to encourage more. And so we are planning a monthly time of prayer at the building beginning on February 19 at 8pm.

We’re so aware (and inspired) by those who already meet to pray in various groups across the church. Don’t stop! Please keep going!

But if you would appreciate joining us to petition and praise the God of the gospel, come along.

We pray to our Father who asks us to bring our personal requests to him, to pray for our city and our leaders, and to pray ‘the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the LORD as the waters cover the sea’.

If you have something you would like us to pray about (sending a request doesn't oblige attendance!) please send in a request on the app. This can be done by clicking on 'Connect' from the home page, selecting the 'Prayer Requests' button and completing the prayer request form.
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