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Our current series, King David and his King, jumps forward a few years this Sunday; and arrives at the strange account of David dancing before the Lord.

By this point in the story David is King over a united Israel; Saul is dead and the Philistines are finally defeated. Under David’s rule, the nation is now entering an unparalleled season of political and military rest. All that remains now is for the Ark of the Covenant to be moved to a permanent residence in the nation’s capital, and finally fulfil the promise God made through Moses to ‘dwell among his people’.

A lot’s happened. Like Pete said on Sunday, it would be wise to read the gaps ahead (we were in 1 Samuel 24 yesterday, and we’ll be picking up the story in 2 Samuel 6).

The help you further, here’s a useful overview of 2 Samuel (brought to you by the excellent Bible Project).
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