A Community Group has Multiplied

On Tuesday night, one of our Community Groups gathered for a final meal before multiplying.

Our Community Groups are year-long small groups (6-12 people) that meet frequently to eat, pray and encourage one another to live the way of Jesus. They're led by mature believers and are an excellent way to find your way into church life. As the gospel is heard and believed, it brings growth - both in maturity and numbers. As our Community Groups grow, they multiply to form new communities across the city.

That's what happened on Tuesday. As one group reached 11, 12, 13, 14 regular attenders, the group prepared to multiply to make room to welcome others as they've been welcomed.

Would you like to get involved in a Community Group? Search the app to discover one in your area (Tap Messages>Discover). Maybe you'd like to know more about Community Life across the church? Take a listen to this presentation.

One final word about Community Groups. Community requires commitment. No register will ever be taken, but there is a shared agreement to attend and turn up! Before rushing into one, take a moment to think about whether you're able to commit. Community Groups may not be right for you, but don't fear, there are so many way to connect and be known at Christchurch.
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