Christchurch Kids on Easter Sunday

Bear with us, we'll be doing a bit of maintenance to the Baby and Toddler creches over Easter and so for the Easter weekend ("and the Easter weekend only"), here's the plans for Christchurch Kids....
  • Babies- cancelled (just for this week!)
  • Toddlers- in the Adventurers room upstairs from 10:45am
  • Adventurers- registered at the registration desk in the outer foyer along with the Builders- Discoverers. Then they will be in the main hall for the worship and baptisms. When the children are released, parents can accompany their child(ren) to the landing where the Adventurers will be for the rest of the morning. (Pick up will also be from the landing via the Christchurch Kids corridor, not the stairs on the landing.)
  • Builders- Discoverers- same as any other Sunday!
One last thing, don't forget:
- the clocks go forward too so you lose an hour!
- but we'll be starting at 11am!
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