Call for allotment volunteers

The growing season is upon us!

Newport Foodbank have 8 allotment plots which we plan to develop in order to provide a community area where all can enjoy fresh air and outdoor space. As well as helping and learning how to grow fresh produce, we can also provide fruit and vegetables for those who use the foodbank.

A huge variety of skills and abilities are needed. We would like those who love talking and chatting to people and those who prefer to be left alone to “get on with the job”. Whoever you are, there will be a job for you!

Specific things that would be especially helpful:
- Digging / weeding (we can fit the work to suit pace – heavy digging or gentle trowel work!)
- Anyone able to use a rotavator or would like to learn?
- Help with building raised beds (we have had quite a few donated)
- Help putting up a greenhouse (one has been donated) and / or shed

For more information about volunteering, dates, or to put your name forward, please email
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