Praying for the Older Folk in our church

It’s a privilege to pray, but sometimes we simply don’t know where to begin.

Two weeks ago, one of our elders, Andrew Rees, led us in a time of prayer for the older members of our congregation. Why not take a moment to read through the prayer and pray it for them now?
Eternal God, thank you that your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom and your rule endures from one generation to another.

Lord, we stand united today in gratitude to you for every senior member of this local body. For those who only in this past year you have graciously saved and added to us, and for those who have experienced and proved your goodness and faithfulness over many decades. Thank you that today, they still stand firm in you.

Thank you for enabling them to shine as examples of your saving grace, walking in your promises, through the many experiences this world brings. Thank you that we are able to stand on their shoulders, in admiration and humility, and learn from them what it means to live lives worthy of the calling we have received in Christ Jesus.

Merciful God, as our brothers and sisters walk through the next chapters of their lives we lift them up to you in the name of Jesus.

Will you provide them with the grace to be able to continue to grow in understanding and love of Jesus Christ, trusting only in him and the truth of his finished work.

Will you continue to nourish them with goodness, and let the assurance and sweet memories of your faithfulness toward them anchor their hearts in peace, and joy and daily gratitude for your provision.

Let their love for the church and for sharing the gospel with others continue to wonderfully and powerfully be their story.

Through trials that may come when bodies grow weak and the outer self begins to fail, will you enable each one through the Holy Spirit to not lose heart, but day by day to renew their inner self as they lean on you.

Finally Lord, may they, right up to their last day flourish in the courts of our God, and continue to bear fruit in old age; thriving with strong roots, always declaring that the Lord is upright, that he is a rock and there is no unrighteousness in him.

Grant them this grace we ask of you.

To your Glory.

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