How can we be praying for Joy Scott?

We asked Joy what we could be praying for and here's what she's said:

  • Praise God for His provision for YWAM to have continued to help so many people! As Hudson Taylor said ‘God’s work done in God’s way will never lack God’s supply’.
  • Praise the Lord that the ‘door’ has opened for work amongst the Khmer Muslims. Sun 19 May, leaders of a Khmer Muslim group asked us to meet with 30 nursing students about doing health education and teaching English in their communities.
  • Pray that we will be able to start more savings groups. 90% of the population are in debt to micro-finance companies and many have lost their homes because they are unable to repay their loans, despite working 7 days a week. In March, I and my Khmer colleague, were able to intervene with one lady who wanted to sell her 4 yr old son in order to pay back only some of her $10,000 loan!  
  • 6 of the 7 missionaries are over 60 years old and 3 of our 13 Khmer staff are of retirement age so we need at least 3 more younger Khmer staff  and the finances to employ them. Missionaries are self-supporting and we could do with more missionaries. Please pray.
  • A new director of the prison last week has stopped us holding weekly bible studies at the prison. Please pray that he will allow us to continue weekly studies in the building that YWAM helped to build. Pray for finances for all the programmes for this year and for replacements for our 35yr old vehicles.
  • Pray that we will continue to be able to work here despite the increasing red tape for Non Government Organisations and Missions. Visas are getting more difficult to obtain.
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