What's going on at Foodbank?

Wondering what's new at Foodbank? Here's a quick update!

Foodbank has seen an increase in the number of people needing food parcels over the last year. With enough food to feed around 4000 adults and 2000 children being handed out, plenty of opportunities to invite people to join us on a Sunday have come along.

We've also loved seeing some familiar faces return to join us for Wednesday Warm and Eating after the Meeting too, spending time getting to know our church family better.  

The increased cost of living has led to an increased need which means that all foodbanks, including ours, are experiencing shortages. If you're able to, please could you consider bringing one of the following items with you on Sunday?

  • Cereal
  • Small jars of Coffee
  • Tinned Meat
  • Tinned Soup
  • Tinned Vegetables
  • Pasta Sauce

If you're not able to, we'd love if you could you be praying for our team, volunteers and the clients we meet. We'd love to see more and more of our clients coming to have a saving knowledge of Jesus.
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